primary singing time: general conference (prophet) song review

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Here is a fun singing time to have the week before General Conference and once again, it’s pretty easy to put together! You can really use this to review any songs, but I think it’s fun to sing different prophet songs that we might not always get around to singing.
Spend a minute talking about General Conference and ask the children different questions (“Why do we have general conference?”, “Who speaks to us at General Conference?”, “Who is our prophet today?”, etc). Then pull out your suitcase that is all packed for general conference! Each item in the suitcase represents a song relating to prophets, so as you have a child come up and pick something out, you can explain why that particular item goes with that song.

Here are some ideas:
conference tickets = “Latter-day Prophets” (CS 134)
scriptures =  “Keep the Commandments” (CS 146)
shoes = “Stand for the Right” (CS 159)
day planner = “The Sixth Article of Faith” (CS 126)
road map =  “Follow the Prophet” (CS 110)
sunglasses = “Seek the Lord Early” (CS 108)