Happy Memorial Day everyone! It always seems odd to wish people a “happy” Memorial Day. But I suppose when you think about it, what better way to remember those who have paid the ultimate sacrifice than wishing others well? I love our country and I love our National Anthem. It makes me so sad to know that not everyone knows the words to even the first verse! I have made it a priority to teach my children The Star-Spangled Banner. I also recently had the opportunity to teach the children at my church and it was such a great experience! Teaching kids The Star-Spangled Banner doesn’t have to be hard and today I have a flip chart and some questions to help you do it.

teaching kids The Star-Spangled Banner
for younger kids
When I was teaching the younger kids first we talked a little bit about Memorial Day. We discussed why we celebrate the day and why it’s not just a day off from school. Then I told them a very simplified version of the story of how our national anthem came to be. After that we went over each line of the song. I would stick each flip chart page up on the board, and explain what it meant. Sometimes I would ask them questions and I was so impressed with some of the answers the children gave! After I was done explaining it, we sang the song and they did pretty well! I loved it when one of them told me they had gone to a baseball game a few days earlier and had heard the song. You could tell they were so excited that they recognized it!
for older kids
I figured that older kids would know a little more than the younger ones did. So I asked more questions and “told” them a lot less. After talking about Memorial Day we started the song and I would ask for volunteers to give me each line. Then I would ask for another volunteer to tell me what it meant. After that we sang the song and they did great! You could tell that most of them knew it pretty well to begin with. However, I don’t think I’d ever heard them sing so loudly, clearly, and with more power behind their words. It was absolutely beautiful.
| 10 Minute Patriotic Garland |
Have you taught your children the Star-Spangled Banner yet?

2 Responses to Primary Singing Time: the star-spangled banner
Hi, I was looking for a flip chart for the national anthem and came across your blog. I am wondering how to access your files? The link takes me to a Google Drive that requires permission to access.
Please let me know. Thank you
Hi Tasha, thanks for stopping by my blog! Google Drive went through a change awhile ago and some of my old files are now asking for permission. I will update this post TONIGHT (2/1) and it will be ready to go tomororow!