Well, if you are a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (a.k.a. Mormons), then you know this weekend is our Semiannual General Conference. I’m not going to lie, it kind of sneaked up on me this year. It was kind of like Christmas came early this weekend when I realized that General Conference was only a week away! I love being able to listen to modern-day prophets speak to us. We’ve incorporated some fun General Conference activities over the years so the kids always look forward to watching. Keep reading for some fun ideas to keep young kids engaged in Conference this weekend!

fun general conference activities
As much as I love going to church, I also love being able to listen to General Conference in the comfort of my own home. As a member of our church, it’s probably one of the most exciting times of the year. Twice a year, church leaders from around the world gather to share messages of inspiration and hope with members of the Church. These messages are broadcast live and are available online for those who cannot attend in person. General Conference activities can help bring families and friends together and provide opportunities for spiritual growth and renewal. However, if you have young kids then you’re probably aware that it can be tricky to keep them engaged and quiet. That’s where these fun general conference activities come in handy!
activities for Nursery age kids:
- LDS General Conference coloring pages
- Temple lacing card
- General Conference topic coloring page
- Coloring pages for kids and adults
activities for Primary age kids:
- Conference Bingo
- Preschool conference journal
- General Conference Notebook
- General Conference Labels
- General Conference game packet
- General Conference treat buckets

why watch General Conference?
General Conference weekend is a great chance for members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints to come together as a worldwide church. However, the messages shared during General Conference are for anyone and everyone. They can bring peace and comfort during difficult times. They also provide guidance for personal growth and can help you better understand your purpose in life.
In addition to watching the sessions live, many General Conference talks are available online for later viewing. Although I love taking notes during General Conference, I also love being able to listen to them again and again!
[…] was subbing in my daughter’s Sunday school class this past week. We started talking about General Conference coming up. I thought it would be fun for the kids to hear the different activities and traditions […]