fill your cup when you run on empty

Learn how to fill your cup.

Table of Contents

Here we are a week into the new year and I have one New Years resolution that I’m trying desperately to stick to–to take better care of myself. I’ve been thinking a lot lately about what fills my cup. How can I recharge? How can I simplify and prioritize? Here are some of my thoughts and tips on the topic of how to fill your cup when you run on empty.

what does it mean to fill your cup?

With my Simplifying the Season series at the end of last year I pushed myself to stop pushing myself. I tried to take a step back and relax. To say “no” more often to the things that didn’t matter. And of course to say “yes” to the things that did. And it worked.

Sort of.

I did notice a difference in a lot of areas. For example, even though I hosted Thanksgiving it was one of the least stressful and most enjoyable that I can remember in awhile. My hubby helped my get the wrapping done early so I didn’t have a late-night wrapping session on Christmas Eve. I was able to keep my kitchen cleaned because I forwent all the massive baking for friends and neighbors and delivered jam that I’d made instead.

A doughnut and yellow mug sit on a desk while a mom writes to recharge.

what happens when you don’t fill your cup?

However, I still found myself completely worn out. By the time Christmas came around my body had no choice but to give in to the cold it had been battling for a month. I still had a nice holiday, I was able to get everything done that I needed to and we spent time with family. However, my energy level to fully participate with everyone was gone. And who wants to hang out with a snotty, coughing mess anyway?

The worst part was that I had nobody to blame but myself. I had worn myself out by burning the candle at both ends for months. Staying up late to get things done, waking up with the kids and being on my feet all day. Sometimes as I was tucking the kids in at night I would realize I hadn’t eaten anything all day, literally.

Sound familiar? Unfortunately, I think that my dilemma is all too real for a lot of parents. There are only so many hours in a day and way too much to try and accomplish in them. So, what are some solutions? What can we do to stay sane and take care of ourselves? How can we get everything done in the little time we’re allotted?

| Read: Saying Yes to Simplifying Your Life |

A mom sips from a yellow mug while she looks at her phone.

four tips to fill your cup

prioritize your tasks

I have been using paper planners ever since middle school. I have always loved writing things down and then crossing them off. When I start getting lazy and not taking the time to do this, that’s when I start getting overwhelmed. The things that need to get done seem to get pushed off and I get bogged down with the things that could have waited. Keep track of your to-do list and prioritize the things that need to happen right away and the things that can wait awhile. Also, think about the things that don’t need to be done at all. Do you have to bake cookies for the PTA bake sale, or can you quickly pick some up instead?

| Read: Why I Hate the Word “Busy” |

sleep comes first

Sleep is the hardest one for me to try and improve on. As a mom it is so easy to feel like I need those hours after my little ones go to bed to get things done. It’s so much easier to get things done then, then to get them done during the day when they’re awake. If you want to go to bed earlier start small–try just 20 minutes earlier at first. You might find that your body is used to staying up late and you have a hard time falling asleep at first. Consider getting a white noise machine, saying no to screen time before bed, or using essential oils to help yourself relax.

food is fuel

I was not exaggerating when I said there would be days that I would realize that I hadn’t eaten anything all day. There were also days when most of my food consisted of the scraps off my children’s plates. We’ve all be there, right? Having easy access to quick meals I can grab after getting my kids fed has been key for me. I’ve also been challenging myself to drink more water and I’m challenging you to do the same thing! My goal has been 132 ounces. That’s 44 ounces (which I typically drink in soda every day) three times a day. 132 ounces is also more than a gallon, so that’s a lot of water!


There are so many ways that you can recharge. Some are free and simple, some are more time consuming and far more expensive. Looking for something free? Soak in a hot bath, read a book, or go window shopping alone, no kids! Something that costs a little bit more? Plan a lunch out with some friends or get a manicure. My favorite way to recharge, but definitely the most costly, is when my husband and I can get away just the two of us (I really do love my kids even though it seems like I never want to be with them. That’s not the case, I promise!). Whether it’s a couple quick nights away somewhere close, or a week long cruise. I always feel so refreshed after spending some quality time with my hubby.

Do you struggle with making yourself a priority?

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11 Responses to fill your cup when you run on empty

  1. Shadia Brown January 9, 2017 at 8:03 am #

    All of this is so True! The white noise machine and essential oils are a must for me too. Also hot showers at night when the kids are Asleep!

  2. Ashley Peavey January 9, 2017 at 9:18 am #

    Such a great reminder! Thanks for sharing!

  3. Jenna January 10, 2017 at 12:18 pm #

    Great post girl ! Loved it and can totally relate

  4. Rachel January 10, 2017 at 4:29 pm #

    I absolutely LOVE this! I’m totally guilty of burning the candle at both ends, too. I’m making sure to schedule LOTS of “me” time this year!

  5. Emily Bogner January 10, 2017 at 10:40 pm #

    I love that blanket, it’s super cute! As you know, one of my goals this year is to take better care of myself and I’m working on getting more sleep, which can be so challenging with such a full to-do-list. I like your idea of using essential oils to relax!

  6. Jen January 11, 2017 at 7:30 am #

    WHY do we forget to do the most basic things for ourselves?? I’m so bad about eating lunch and then by dinner time I wonder why I’m grumpy and have a headache. IT’S SO SIMPLE. This is such a good reminder to prioritize self care.

  7. Shane January 11, 2017 at 1:33 pm #

    Aw yeah the hustle and bustle of the holiday season can really do a number on our health and wellbeing. Props to you for prioritizing and figuring out what steps to take to avoid burnout!

  8. Leah January 13, 2017 at 6:51 pm #

    I love this mermaid blanket!! I need one! It is so important to recharge as a mom.

  9. Madeline Casey January 15, 2017 at 7:34 pm #

    I love all of these ideas!! I remember back in high school when I was overwhelmed with homework, I still always made sure sleep came first. It’s so much easier to be productive and do what you need to do when you’re well rested! I still try to stick to that, but it’s much harder now as an adult and a mom when the to-do list seems never ending! We can try though!

  10. Dia All The Things I Do January 16, 2017 at 4:27 pm #

    As someone with a double ear infection I can tell you how important it is to take breaks and recharge. I always feel like I do a good job of balancing my life but sometimes I know I take on too much or go too hard. I want your mermaid blanket. I need it!

  11. Alicia Snow January 16, 2017 at 4:37 pm #

    This is so true Justine! Sleep is also the hardest one for me. Once the kids are in bed, I just want to get things done! I guess I need to realize that sleep is way more important than getting things done so I can keep my sanity the next day.

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