This post is geared more towards my readers that church members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. However, anyone who wishes to watch uplifting messages this weekend is invited to watch General Conference. Feel free to use these LDS General Conference printables while you watch!
out of the mouths of babes
I was subbing in my daughter’s Sunday school class this past week. We started talking about General Conference coming up. I thought it would be fun for the kids to hear the different activities and traditions that other families have while they’re watching conference.
“We color pictures in a tent while we watch.”
“Our family plays a game where we get candy when they say certain words!”
“There’s always eat special food for conference.”
“We sit in the family room and then we leave to go play somewhere else because it’s SO long.”
Whereas this last comment made me chuckle a little bit, it also got me thinking. I understand that four sessions of a televised conference, each lasting two hours long, is a lot to ask any kid to sit through. Truthfully, when I was that age (five and six) I know I didn’t sit and watch all of it. However, as Mike and I have had our own kids we’ve thought of different traditions that help make General Conference something that our kids actually look forward to every six months.
I encouraged all of the children in my daughter’s class to go home and share some fun ideas with their parents. Inspired by that Sunday school lesson I wanted to share some free LDS General Conference printables with all of you today that I’d love for you to enjoy this weekend! I’ve created three printables with all of our favorite conference activities to do with our kids. All images I used are from . You can also find lots of other fun ideas there to help keep your kids stay attentive while listening to conference.
LDS general conference printables
general conference bingo
This one is a classic and you can find plenty of other bingo cards online by Googling “LDS conference bingo”. My version is better played with older kids that are able to read as there are no pictures included (you can find plenty with pictures online that are great!). In our family we usually let each child get a bingo and then try for a blackout on their cards. There is not only one winner and I find that this keeps them interested longer rather than wanting to give up and stop listening as soon as someone else wins.
key word game
This is my children’s favorite game. They get excited for it every time they know General Conference is coming around. Set up four bowls, bags, baskets, anything that will fit treats inside. I usually pick two salty and two sweet treats. For example: popcorn, cheesy crackers, gummy worms, and mini marshmallows. Then tape a picture to each bag with a key word and whenever your child hears the word on a particular bag they get one of the treats inside. We usually only play this once or twice during conference weekend so that this stays fun and interesting for the kids. Turn the images I’ve provided around and come up with your own four keywords to switch things up!
tie note taking
This form of note taking can be adapted for younger or older children. Honestly, it can be pretty fun for adults too! Have your child circle the session of conference at the top of the page and then color the tie to match each speaker. Then in the box provided younger children can draw a picture that represents what the talk is about. Beginning readers can write a few key words, and older kids can write out notes.
|Get your free LDS general conference printables here|
[…] Want some fun printables for the “conference cup” or “keyword” game? Check o… […]
[…] already shared the keyword game before in a different setting. However, you’ll find that this is a fun (and delicious) […]
[…] | Click here to print up General Conference activity pages for kids. | […]
[…] | Read: General Conference Printables for Kids | […]
[…] Read: LDS General Conference Printables for Kids […]