10 unique and budget-friendly date night ideas

Justine Young lifestyle blogger shares 10 unique and budget-friendly date night ideas

Table of Contents

This unique and budget-friendly date night post originally appeared on Deer & Daisy. It has been edited and updated to share with you today. 

My husband and I met on a blind date 12 years ago this August. Yes, a blind date led to 11 relatively happy years of marriage (wink, wink) and five crazy children. Both Mike and I believe in how important it is to continue dating after you’re married. But let’s face it, sometimes that can be hard. Whether you’re a newlywed or a “seasoned pro”, or somewhere in between, it’s always important to take some time with just the two of you… alone. Yes, not even a kid tagging along in a car seat. Today I’m sharing some budget-friendly date night ideas!

Justine Young lifestyle blogger shares 10 unique and budget-friendly date night ideas

budget-friendly date night ideas

As much as I love sitting at home and binge watching our favorite shows, sometimes that gets old. It’s good to switch things up and actually get out of the house once in awhile for date night. Of course, things like bills and student loans can seem to get in the way and make date nights out few and far between. And have you priced out the cost of a babysitter lately?!

Have a “Soda” Tasting
Budget: $10

Depending on where you live and the resources available to you, there are two different ways that this date can work.
The first is to go to a specialty beverage shop like Bev-Mo armed with you $10 budget and purchase some soda flavors you’ve never tried before. Maybe some Key Lime or Praline Cream? Be adventurous! Depending on the flavors you choose you should be able to get 3-5 sodas. Take them home and sip them while discussing them, if you don’t know anything about  wine tastings (I definitely don’t) then  up a handy guide of wine tasting terms! Have fun with it and be goofy!

Another way that you can do this is by going to a fast food place that sells sodas with mix-ins, like a Sonic or Sodalicious. Each of you can order one or two drinks that you’ve never tried before and share.

“Iron Chef” Competition
Budget: $0

I’m calling this a competition because that’s sure to spark some interest in this activity, but it’s really more of a collaboration. Start by flipping a coin to see which of you is in charge of making dinner and which of you is in charge of making dessert. A fun twist is that the other person gets to pick your secret ingredient! Whereas you definitely want to “win”, you also don’t want to venture too far off the safe track because keep in mind that this is a meal that you’ll be enjoying together! Added bonus to this fun at-home date night if you use your wedding china that hasn’t seen the light of day since you first opened it.

Write Your Love Story
Budget: $0-$10

This is a date night you can have anywhere, so if you need something super budget friendly then have it at home, but if you decide to hold it at your favorite coffee shop or ice cream place and enjoy a little treat while you write then give yourself a $10 budget. You could also pack yourself a picnic if the weather is nice and head out to a local park.  The only supplies you’ll need for this date night are paper and writing instruments.

Decide on a time limit, anywhere from 5-15 minutes, and each of you write about a romantic moment between the two of you from you own perspective. You should both be writing about the same one so decide beforehand if you want to write about how you first met, or when you first kissed, or maybe getting ready the morning of your wedding.  The idea for this date actually came about because my husband and I always remember different details when people ask how we met or how he proposed, so it’s fun to hear what the other person was thinking, or what stuck out in their mind. You might be surprised!

Justine Young lifestyle blogger shares 10 unique and budget-friendly date night ideas
some other budget-friendly date night ideas:
  • Head out to a new neighborhood in your area that has model homes for touring. Walk through them gathering ideas for the future and see what you both like and don’t like.
  • Get all dressed up and then head out for… some pictures. When’s the last time you got pictures taken as a couple? All you need is a camera with a self-timer and the two of you.
  • When the weather’s nice and the days are longer take advantage of it! Head outdoors for a water gun fight. Fill each of your guns with a different colored water so you can see who “wins” the war!
  • With $10 in hand head out for a dollar date night. Pick each other out one gift from the dollar store. Then head over to a fast food place with a dollar menu. Spend the rest of your money and exchange your gifts.
  • Pack a picnic and go take a hike or bike ride. It’s probably been awhile since you enjoyed the great outdoors without cries of “I’m tired!” and “I’m hungry!” trailing behind you.
  • If you’ve got a projector or laptop it’s easy to have an outdoor movie night. All you need are some snacks and blankets. The only thing you have to worry about is who picks the flick.
  • Want to go on a tropical cruise, a foreign country, or a food tour of a major city? Get online and plan a trip together, make sure to set a realistic timeline goal too!
Justine Young lifestyle blogger shares 10 unique and budget-friendly date night ideas
What are some of your budget-friendly date night ideas? Don’t forget to use #revivedatenight on social media so we can all get some great date night ideas!