The past week has been a whirlwind of packing, escrow papers, cleaning, and unpacking. And it’s not over yet. In my continual effort to not be busy I’ve been letting little things slide that should be a given. Things like eating meals or doing my hair have fallen by the wayside. With a need to balance out my life more I’m sharing ten ways you can practice self care today. However, if you’re in a season of life where you can’t even find the time to read a blog post you can skip ahead to the end. Today I’ve joined with some blogging friends of mine to give one of you an awesome prize just in time for Mother’s Day. Giveaway hosted by Little Dove and friends, some links contain affiliates.

simple self care practices
catch some zzz’s
I know, I know–we all know this, right? Sleep is so important. Yet it seems to be the one thing that the most of us are just fine to prioritize last. If you don’t have the luxury of sleeping in (and let’s face it, most of us don’t) then going to bed early (or earlier) is our best option. My friend Megan finds her most productive time in the early morning and actually helps combat the loss of sleep by taking daily naps! Whatever works for you find your groove and make it a habit!
self care outside
The weather is starting to warm up and now is the perfect time to head outside. Plus, with the lighter evenings it’s easier to have a little me time outdoors after work hours. If hitting the trails or pounding the pavement solo isn’t an option, then treat yourself to a jogging stroller and show your little one how important self care is!
brush and floss
Be honest–you could probably be better about brushing and flossing regularly, right?? But even so, oral hygiene for self care?! You betcha! Our smiles are one of the first things that most people notice about us. Plus, our oral hygiene can affect our whole body health. So put your best face (and smile) forward and get in the habit of brushing and flossing morning and night. You can even get your kids in the habit with this free bushing chart!
drink more water
You know few people like Diet Coke more than I do… okay, actually probably nobody likes Diet Coke more than I do. However, even I have to admit that water is the superior beverage of choice. We all know that our bodies need water and will function better if it’s well hydrated so give it what it needs. Set a small goal to drink one more glass a day than you do now, then slowly build up over time. If the thought of drinking plain water doesn’t thrill you than add some fruit with an infusion bottle.

write it out
Whether you journal, blog, or just like to make lists, writing your thoughts down can be a great form of self care. Sometimes I can’t relax at night until I’ve written down my tasks for the following day. If you tend to stay up overthinking everything too then keeping a notebook on your nightstand can be a great way to brain dump.
at home spa day
There’s a hundred reasons why most of us can’t just drop everything and enjoy a day at the spa. However, you can give yourself a mini spa day anytime! Face masks are one of my favorite ways to pamper myself at home, but a quick DIY mani or pedi always feels great too. And now that I have a great soaking tub in our new house I’m looking forward to relaxing with some bath salts that I put together myself. Have you ever made your own bath salts? They are so easy to make and are an inexpensive and thoughtful gift to give!
DIY bath salts
- Epsom salts
- Essential oils
- Dried flowers, like lavender (optional)
Pour your Epsom Salts into a jar and add several drops of essential oils (the number of drops will vary depending on how much you’re making, but remember you can always add more so start small!). Stir well and add dried flowers if you want to. That really is all there is to it! You’ll never purchase over-priced bath salts with artificial scents again!
If you can get away for an actual spa day I’ve got a great giveaway for you! Just in time for Mother’s Day I’ve joined up with some blogging friends to give one of you a $100 Spafinder gift card! All six entries ARE REQUIRED to be entered to win. Good luck!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
[…] spa day isn’t happening any time soon. Luckily, I’ve always been a fan of giving myself a little TLC pampering session at home. So today I’m sharing some of my favorite spa day at home finds from Amazon Prime! […]