10 years ago today I posted my very first blog post on my free Blogger account. And I know I sound like a broken record but–WOW, things in the blogging world have changed so much over the past 10 years! Today I’m sharing some blogging tips I’ve accumulated from 10 years of blogging. Some of these I’ve shared before but just think of this as your “one stop shop” for all my best blogging tips.

blogging tips you need to know
pay the most attention to where it matters most
We all do it, we get caught up in the number game. Especially on Instagram where we see a “k” after our follower count as some type of trophy to be attained. Hey–I’ve been there. I fought like crazy to get to that 10k mark so I could have the Swipe Up feature in my Stories. But since then my focus has shifted to pageviews.
My blog is content I own, not content I’m sharing on someone else’s website (ahem, Facebook and Instagram). Now, obviously as a blogger you can’t ignore those other social media platforms. But I really encourage you to think about where you get the most clicks from, or where you make the most money (if you are).
For example, I barely get any blog views from Instagram as compared to Pinterest which is constantly my top referrer. I also get bigger bucks for sponsored posts on my blog than sponsored posts on social media. Pay more attention to those things that are going to be the most rewarding for you.
be true to yourself
And I don’t just mean to be authentic, although that’s important too. I mean be true to you and what you love. A big topic with being “an influencer” is–Do I need a niche?
My answer? Um…
It’s true, studies show that blogs and accounts that are more niche-specific do “better”. It’s easier for them to grow and they have more loyal readers, supposedly. But I’m going to be honest with you. My life does not fit into a niche. I’m a blogger who loves to travel with her family, have date night with her husband, a former homeschool mom who loves making free printables, a crafter in all my “spare” time, someone who loves a good room makeover, and a lover of baking delicious treats. If I had to pick one thing (or even two or three!) to write about I would get burned out so fast. And to be honest some more, most of my favorite bloggers are also totally multi-faceted.
So if being in a specific niche doesn’t feel true to you, then don’t do it! Or you may find over time a natural niche kind of emerges and that’s okay too!
pinterest, pinterest, pinterest
Did I mention Pinterest? Seriously, Pinterest is the best free advertising tool out there. It’s 2020, if you’re not utilizing Pinterest for your business then you’re doing something wrong.
“But Justine, I don’t have great, Pin-worthy images!”
Do you want to know which of my Pins has been taking off like crazy lately?? It’s this one. And it even has a spelling error, ugh. BUT I’m embracing the fact that it’s blowing up right now and I made some additional Pins for that same post. Spend some time getting to know the ins and outs of Pinterest and make it work for you!
sorry, but looks do matter
One of my easiest blogging tips for you today–break up your text. Let me say it again for the people in the back–BREAK UP YOUR TEXT. We are visual people and we don’t like to see big, solid blocks of text. You should be breaking up your paragraphs into sections with subheadings, and of course, PICTURES! In my opinion you need at least two–a nice vertical, pinnable image (ahem, refer to my last point), and a horizontal image that can be featured on social media. And please, don’t use all stock images. You’re a content creator, be proud of that and create content.
don’t be afraid of the word no
Is your kid afraid of hearing “No” for the umpteenth time when they ask you for candy before breakfast? No, and you shouldn’t be either. It can be intimidating to reach out to big brands. It can be scary to feel like someone else is judging you and evaluating if you’re “worth” working with.
My advice? BE BOLD! You will never meet these people in real life. What’s the worst than can happen? They say no?? Big deal! Full disclosure–I have been shocked more than once by brands that have wanted to work with me. You will never know unless you ask!
| You can read all my advice on working with brands here! |

step outside of your comfort zone
Sometimes pushing ourselves to do something uncomfortable will have the best results. You might be an introvert but putting yourself in new social situations or even saying yes to an opportunity to be on television can be incredible!
Having to step outside of my comfort zone has really helped me over the years. I’ve become much more confident (see my earlier point about the word “no”) which is definitely a good thing!
And the friendships I’ve made from blogging and social media over the years have also made a positive impact on me. So make friendships and try new things–even when it makes you uncomfortable.
take pride in your work and content
Of all the blogging tips I’ve shared this one seems obvious, doesn’t it? But really, don’t just do something to make some money or to check off a box. Remember the golden rule of writing–provide great content and do it better than anyone else. I am so proud of the work I’ve done over the past 10 years creating content. And I’m obviously so proud of the progress I’ve made from where I started!
Always, always, always present your work in a professional manner and act in a professional way. Remember that you are the face of your business, make sure your behavior reflects that.
when in doubt, over disclose
Le sigh. I see it every day–bloggers and influencers who should know better either not disclosing properly or not disclosing at all. On the one hand the FTC guidelines aren’t always clear. But one thing is clear–you need to disclose. If you have been given free product, if you’ve been paid cash, if you are doing a trade of some sort–you have to disclose your relationship and you have to be as clear as possible about it. Personally, I like to over disclose because for me my integrity is worth it. Just stop trying to be sneaky.
In addition, the Guides say, if there’s a connection between an endorser and the marketer that consumers would not expect and it would affect how consumers evaluate the endorsement, that connection should be disclosed. For example, if an ad features an endorser who’s a relative or employee of the marketer, the ad is misleading unless the connection is made clear. The same is usually true if the endorser has been paid or given something of value to tout the product. The reason is obvious: Knowing about the connection is important information for anyone evaluating the endorsement.
don’t spend money you don’t have
This might be an unpopular opinion but don’t spend money you don’t have! I was once in a Facebook group where someone was talking about all the money they had just spent on a new camera, laptop, and website designer. And they had just started blogging. You don’t need top-of-the-line equipment to start a blog! I never spent a dime on my blog until I’d earned some!
Did you know that it’s estimated 80% of blogs will fail in the next 18 months? Now, if you’re not out to “make money” that’s fine–great even! Then you definitely don’t need to spend thousands on a hobby. And if you are hoping to make some dough (which I never recommend being the main reason behind starting a blog!) then try it out before investing the money. You can read all the blogging tips out there but you might find it’s not for you and be burned out in mere months.
give yourself a break
If you ignore all the other blogging tips then remember this–give yourself a break. It’s good to have goals but you should also be realistic. You are unlikely to have a post go viral overnight. It is also unlikely that you’ll be making a five-digit income in your first year, or your second, or ever.
I don’t say this to discourage you. However, I do want you to realize that just because you don’t fulfil every goal right away it doesn’t make you a failure. Things take time. That’s also why I say that you really have to love blogging and you shouldn’t be doing it for the money. Blogging is for sure the hardest job for the lowest pay I’ve ever done. You know, if you don’t factor in motherhood (but at least then you get paid in hugs and kisses).

Read some of my other Blogiversary posts!
Blogging Advice to Myself After 9 years
8 Reasons Why You Should be a Blogger
These are a Few of My Favorite (and Least Favorite) Things About Blogging After 7 Years
So, I’d love to know, how long have you been a reader of my blog? Regardless of length of time, I’m so glad you’re here!
Pictures in this post were taken by Britney at Your Creative Counterpart:
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7 Responses to 10 blogging tips from 10 years of blogging
What a wonderful post. I have started at least 3 blogs in my lifetime and now am doing it as a level-headed adult, or so I think. I really enjoyed your first point “Pay attention where it matters most”. It’s a reminder that not all social media channels are created equal and that, at least for me, stoking the fires of the ones that are most impactful are very important.
Thank you, Justine! I loved all this. It really encourages me to get moving on the blog I have always wanted to start. Happy blogaversary!
Found it <3 Thank you for sharing this post. I love all the insight you have provided! Congratulations on your announcement! You most definitely will have your hands full, but from the looks of it, you will have lots of great helpers. Have a good weekend and thanks again.
This article is too informative. I really recommend to my friends and family.
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[…] 10 Blogging Tips from 10 Years of Blogging […]
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