How are you doing with your scripture study this year? You know the saying about how it takes 21 days to form a habit? Yeah, that’s actually not accurate. The truth is that research shows it takes an average of 66 days for a new habit to become routine. And since we’re only in the second month of the year don’t feel badly if you’re struggling to get into a good routine. Something that can be helpful–especially with little kids–is a visual reminder. So today I’ve collaborated with my friend Lisa from On the Morrow to bring you a fun church history reading chart. It’s perfect to accompany your Come, Follow Me studies this year!
what is Come, Follow Me?
Okay, hold up. Maybe you’re like, what the heck is Come, Follow Me? If you’re not a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints than you’re probably a little confused. Come, Follow Me is the yearly curriculum we follow with our scripture study. Each year it correlates to a different book of scripture. Along with the Old and New Testaments we also believe in the Book of Mormon as another Testament of Jesus Christ, and we have the Doctrine and Covenants which deals with our church history and modern-day prophecies. This year we are studying church history, next year we’ll be rotating back to the Old Testament, and etc.

church history reading chart for Come, Follow Me
I feel like the Doctrine and Covenants is a little easier set of scriptures to read. Since it was written for our time the language and situations are often easier to understand. Our family also likes to think about how the things we’re reading happened in this same part of the world! This church history reading chart covers Joseph Smith History and each section of the Doctrine and Covenants. It’s perfect to go along with your Come, Follow Me studies or for your own personal reading for years to come!
| READ: Easter Advent Coloring Page |

creating a free reading chart
I reached out to my friend Lisa to see if she would be interested in creating this church history reading chart with me. I am so excited that she wanted to lend her talents to make it a reality. It turned out even better than I had envisioned and I have been so excited to share it with you! I especially love that she made a small chart that you can easily print at home, or a larger 24 x 36″ chart you can get as an engineering print at your local office supply shop. This larger size would be great to display on the wall for family scripture study. Click below for the free printables!
| READ: Free Bookmarks for your Scripture Study |
Have you gotten into a good routine with reading scriptures this year?
Lisa from LDZ Studios is the artist behind this restoration reading chart and this free printable as well as many others are available on her website!

2 Responses to church history reading chart for Doctrine and Covenants
No matter what I do it won’t print.
I’m sorry you’re having issues with the Google doc. If you’d like to send me your email address I’d be happy to directly send you the file. Maybe you’d have better luck with that.