Spring is here so who is ready for some spring cleaning?? Managing a household with six tiny humans underfoot is no easy task. I’ll admit I’m not the squeaky-cleaniest person–as much as I’d like to be. And my organizational skills are a constant work in progress. But over the years I’ve learned some homemaker hacks that help me keep my home relatively clean while keeping some of my sanity intact.

what is homemaking?
I feel like these days the word “homemaker” often gets a bad rap. It’s seen by many as an antiquated term that brings to mind images of pregnant women standing barefoot in the kitchen. But do you know what the definition of homemaking actually is?
“The creation and management of a home, especially as a pleasant place in which to live.”
Definitions from Oxford Languages
Personally, I think that sounds like a very powerful thing. To be able to create and manage a pleasant home environment? Aren’t there endless blog posts and articles on the subject of making your home more cozy? Aren’t companies like Home Goods and Target booming because we can’t stop buying blankets and candles? With that being said, I don’t believe in having to go into debt to love your space. I fully believe that you can largely work with what you have to create “a pleasant place in which to live”! Make sure you check out some of my favorite Instagram accounts at the end that inspire me to do just that.
6 homemaker hacks
hacks for cleaning
keep vinegar in the laundry room I love, LOVE using vinegar when I’m doing laundry. I’ll admit, I use vinegar in the laundry room more than I use it in the kitchen. Replacing fabric softener with vinegar in your washing machine can work wonders on urine smells and revives the fluffiness in your bath towels! Bonus tip–if you have issues with ants wipe down the area with vinegar when you’re done cleaning them up because vinegar will kill the pheromone trail.
use mayonnaise for more than sandwiches We don’t use mayo on our sandwiches. My husband doesn’t like it and I’m not a big fan either, so we’ve never really even introduced it to our kids. Yet I still buy it. Why? Mayonnaise is incredible as a wood polish! You don’t need to use it every time you dust, but if your wood needs some extra TLC buff some mayo on there and let it sit a few hours or overnight, then rub off. It even works wonders on water stains! This is probably one of my favorite homemaker hacks!
lemons are bright little cleaners I’ve mentioned before that I love using lemon essential oils for cleaning. Well, I also love using the whole lemon for heavy duty situations! If you cut a lemon in half and place face down in a small container of water then heat in a microwave for a few minutes (long enough to create steam in the microwave) you can easily wipe off built-on residue. Let a cut lemon sit on dirty stove tops for awhile and then clean off easily–sprinkle baking soda one before scrubbing if it’s really burnt on there!
| Read some of my tips for staying organized here. |

hacks for organization
make it simple for your kids If your organization system is too complicated then no one except you will be able to navigate it. We have a few big bins that all the toys of particular categories go in. For example–one big basket for all the Barbies and their accessories and furniture. One big basket for all the train tracks and cars. If it’s simple to keep up with then your kids are more likely to clean up, and clean up the way you want it done. So, one of my bonus homemaker hacks is to have your kids help you out, wink wink.
label everything that’s not nailed down I just love a good label, don’t you? I feel like it’s something that’s ingrained in our DNA as women. When things are labeled not only will everyone in your own family know where things belong, but weekend guests or babysitters will be able to find their way around as well too. If you have little ones that can’t read yet consider labeling some items with pictures instead of words.
think about following the 6 month rule Apart from seasonal items that you only use a few months a year (like perhaps Christmas decor or grilling tools) think about following the 6 month rule. If you haven’t used it in 6 months then store it for 6 months. If you haven’t missed it in that time (that’s a whole year people!) than chances are you won’t actually need it again. At that time you can safely donate, sell, or toss without fear that you’ll miss is desperately. Then consider seriously each new purchase you make. It’s much easier to stay organized when you have less to begin with!
| Check out some more cleaning tips here. |
Do you have any hacks you swear by when it comes to cleaning or keeping your home organized?

13 Responses to homemaker hacks–keep a tidy home and stay sane
Mayo as wood polish??? I totally need to try that.
It is like a miracle worker! I used it on an old piano we have with water damage and was shocked!
The mayo one is new to me. My husband literally gags whenever he sees it so I don’t know if he’d want it used as polish but it’s good to know for me. Definitely cheaper than wood polish, that’s for sure.
I’m not gonna lie–it does not smell pleasant, lol. But I just use it for when things need extra TLC, not for everyday dusting! Like, I have a piano with bad water stains and it was amazing!
I’ll have to try the le.on trick for the stove! I’ve used it other ways but never that.
Yes, it’s awesome! Combined with baking soda it is POWERFUL!
I need to try the lemon for cleaning the stove! Not sure why I haven’t ever heard of that before.
OH yeah, especially if you have baked on stuff, combine with some baking soda and it’s awesome! Have the kids wach because it fizzes up like a volcano, pretty neat little science experiment!
I need to know about using vinegar in the laundry room. Do you just place it in the washer where you’d put your fabric softener? How much are you adding?
Yes, just place it in the area where you would normally put the fabric softener (don’t combine the two, only use the vinegar by itself!). And honestly, I don’t ever measure! I just pour anywhere from 1/4 to 1/2 cup in there? -ish? depending on what I’m washing. Also, just to clarify, I don’t use it in every load. Typically just towels and if there’s anything that’s extra smelly.
These are some great tips! I think I need to get better at labeling things. That would probably help me most with organizing the kids toys. I cannot get their toys under control!
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