If there’s anything the past year had taught us it’s that different is okay, and sometimes simple is best. Many of us had our normal plans changed or cancelled altogether. Some leaders have even tried to dictate what we could do and who we could invite into our homes during the holidays. But no matter what, something that I heard over and over again was how much people appreciated the simplicity. Less places to go, less obligations, less parties. More quality time, more quiet time, more family time. If you’re hoping to continue the theme of simple this year, here are some new Christmas traditions to try out with your family.

simplifying the season
If I were to ask you what “simplifying the season” means, what would you say? To me it doesn’t necessarily mean doing less, it just means reprioritizing what’s truly important. It’s the perfect combat to the hectic holiday season–think about what really matters to your family and focus on those things. For our family simplifying the season means that we focus on our Savior, our family, and our traditions. And those holiday activities don’t need to be complex or expensive! Our simple Christmas traditions are activities that our kids look forward to all year long, year after year.
| Read more about why we simplify the season here. |

ideas for simple Christmas traditions:
- Cut down your own Christmas tree. If you prefer an artificial one than just visit a tree farm. Bring hot cocoa, sing carols in the car, take silly selfies together. Read our tips for a successful tree trip here.
- Make it snow… paper. Remember cutting out snowflakes as a kid? Why did we stop doing that? Gather supplies and the family and cut out as many snowflakes as you can. Bonus points if you can pick a friend or neighbor to fill their yard with paper “flurries”.
- Bake cookies together. I mean really together. Yes, it’s messy. But it’s also one messy afternoon in the kitchen that will help create a lifetime of memories. Give up some control and let your kids help with every step of the process. Check out over 30 recipes for Christmas cookies here.
- Participate in Advent. I don’t just mean a chocolate calendar or LEGO pieces, although those are fun too. I mean something more meaningful than that. Read scriptures or perform an act of service each day leading up to Christmas to really make a difference in your own life or someone else’s. Find a free Advent coloring page here.

more ideas…
- Have a snowball fight. Head to the mountains for a day of fun in the snow. Sledding, snowball fights, even skiing if your family enjoys that. Don’t forget the hot cocoa and snacks! No snow? No problem! Head to the beach and make a “sand”man and “sand” angels. If you’re in northern California see where our family likes to sled on Christmas Eve here.
- Simplify your gift giving. Do you ever feel overwhelmed by stuff? Our family gifts 3 presents for Christmas to represent the three gifts that the Wise Men brought to Jesus. Every year a lot of thought is put into our meaningful, joyful, and needful gifts. Read about our gift giving here.
- Adopt a family for the holidays. Do you know a family that could use extra love and support this holiday season? This could be as simple as inviting over another family for your Christmas dinner. Or it could be as involved as dropping off a tree and carload of gift on Christmas Eve.
- Make ornaments together. Make a new Christmas ornament together. Either have the whole family work on one or have everyone make their own! Don’t forget to label the backs with names and dates so you can remember who made what for years to come. Click on the images below to find some of my favorite DIY ornament posts.
discoveries while simplifying
Sometimes it can be hard to take a break from your normal routine. Change can be hard, especially change concerning our beloved holiday traditions. Trying to start new traditions or change current ones in the name of simplifying might not go exactly as planned. However, you also might make some discoveries along the way. Your children might embrace your new, simple Christmas traditions. You might find that you like the slower pace or the decrease in obligations. Your home might be filled with more joy if it’s filled with less clutter.
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3 Responses to simple Christmas traditions to start this year
I love these fun ideas. We have several of the same holiday traditions. For our family we have simplified by keeping the holidays focus on our family not all the extended family and friend things. It has worked really well for us to focus on extended family and friends more throughout the year not just the holidays.
Oh I love that! That’s a great idea to prioritize the extended family and friends at other times of the year.
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