Spring is almost here. For our family that means more time outside, which means more dirty little humans inside when the playing is done. Plus, with all the home projects we’ve been working on lately our house has been extra dusty and cluttered. With everything else on my plate I’ve been trying to make cleaning a priority to help my family stay healthy and help me keep my sanity. I’m excited to share some spring cleaning tips with you today and also excited to share a new-to-me product I think you’ll love! This post is in partnership with Moms Meet (momsmeet.com) and links may contain affiliates. All opinions are my own.

When I’m cleaning my home I like to try and use products that are made from more natural ingredients. Not just for the health of my home, but also because my kids help me do chores too (more on that in a minute). So, I try and use products like AGent+, which utilize natural ingredients like Citrus Oils to keep my home a healthy environment.
spring cleaning tips
My best tip is to get your kids involved. But how can you do that without it getting too overwhelming for them? Or something that is a constant battle? my kids have weekly chores that they rotate through. Their weekly jobs are: upstairs bathroom, downstairs bathroom, dusting, and vacuuming. Yes, the upstairs bathroom is twice as big as the downstairs bathroom. Dusting all the baseboards in the house as well as the furniture is a bit tedious. However, because they rotate through weekly they know that if they have a “harder” chore one week, the next week their job might be easier. That is also the job they’re in charge of for the whole week. So everyday after school or before we head out for fun we do a “chore check”. each child checks on their job and does a little mini clean if it needs it.
| cleaning hacks for busy moms |
Another tip is to work smarter and not harder. We have an robot vacuum that we can schedule to do the first level on a regular basis. Likewise, using an electric buffing mop cuts down the time to wash floors significantly. Running machines that do cleaning for you at night (like a dishwasher or laundry machine) means that you’ll have clean items ready to put away or use in the morning. You can also ease your workload by simply having less. Spring cleaning is a perfect time to go through your items, donate, toss, and organize. Lastly, you can keep a clean house and clean less frequently by using AGent+ products! They have been shown to help protect surfaces for up to 72 hours after application!
| homemaker hacks–keep a tidy home and stay sane |

a better way to clean
This spring I’m trying out AGent+ cleaners. Their Hard Surface and Multi-Surface cleaners contain antifungal properties of copper and natural antimicrobial properties of silver. The copper and silver used means that even after they dry they continue to protect surfaces. AGent+ Hard Surface cleanser continues to protect surfaces for 24 hours and AGent+ Multi-Surface cleanser provides up to 72 hours of protection! AGent+ works so hard, even after the initial application, that Major League Baseball teams have been using the brand since 2014.
AGent+ is a naturally derived line of cleansers that come in concentrated form–so they’re 93% water! And because the AGent+ Sustainable Nesting Kit uses so much water, it’s extremely affordable and the packaging is environmentally friendly. There are so many reasons why I can feel good about using the powerful cleansing powers of AGent+ products in my home with my family. Best of all, my floors have never looked better!
What is your best spring cleaning tip or decluttering hack?

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