Football–whether you love it or hate it or you’re only in it for the snacks, there’s no denying when football season comes around. Today I’ve teamed up with my talented friends at Team Creative Crafts to round up 12 football crafts and printables that your whole team is sure to love. Or your family, if couch surfing if more your sport. I won’t judge, wink wink. From bracelets, to printable pennants, to game day snacks, here are all the football projects you need to make it through the season.

True story–I was never that into sports growing up. I was more of a running and swimming sort of girl. It was probably partially due to my lack of hand eye coordination, and because my poor dad was the only male in a houseful of girls. One thing I did love though? Going to high school games with friends and cheering on our team in person! There’s still something a little nostalgic about football season for me.
12 football crafts and printables
Football Shaped Beanbags from Laura at Me and INKlings
Free Printable Football Doodles from Beth at Creatively Beth
Football Fan Bracelet Set from Lindsay at Artsy Fartsy Mama
Free Printable Football Party Activities from Justine at Little Dove
Creative Football Tailgate Ideas from Jane at DIY by Jane
Football Final Score Free Printable from Shani at Sunshine & Munchkins

Football Snacks Free SVG File from Lindsay at Artsy Fartsy Mama
DIY Jenga Block Printable Football Signs from Beth at Creatively Beth
Football Shaped Treats from Laura at Me and My INKlings
I Love Halftime Printable Poster from Liz at Liz on Call
Fun Football Party Tablescape from Blanca at Creativities Galore
I’m Told I Like Football Free SVG File from Shani at Sunshine & Munchkins

Does your family like football? Any players in your family?
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