Last year our fourth born chose to be baptized. It was such a special day, and if life hadn’t been so crazy I would have shared all the details much earlier. This sweet little girl loves rainbows, so I knew a rainbow themed baptism would be perfect for her. Keep reading for all the details, including the rainbow baptism talk I shared!

planning a rainbow themed baptism
From the start, we greeted everyone with the rainbow themed baptism sign-in table. I’ve had faceless portraits done of all my children for their baptism and this year was no exception. Shaelyn from @shaes_custom_art on Instagram did a phenomenal job again. I bought a plain mat for the watercolor portrait and that’s what we had people sign when they arrived. For the baptism we had a combined baptism and Holy Ghose talk (shared below) and the cousins sang a musical number.
2020 Baptism Drive-through Reception
2022 Cotton Candy-themed Baptism
After the baptism we continued with the rainbow theme for a small reception. I ordered a couple of cakes from Costco and decorated them with rainbow sprinkles using my favorite Costco cake hack. We also had rainbow Rice Krispie treats. We rounded out the sweet treats with some colorful cut fruits and veggies. It is always so fun to celebrate with family and friends and see the baptism child light up with joy.

a rainbow baptism talk
I am so happy to be here today to watch and celebrate with my little rainbow-loving girl and her decision to be baptized. How appropriate to think of rainbows at a baptism. Genesis chapter 9, verse 16 tells us that, “Whenever the rainbow appears in the clouds, I will see it and remember the everlasting covenant between God and all living creatures of every kind on the earth.”
In Genesis they’re talking about the flood, and the covenant God made. However, today I would like you to think about rainbows in regards to baptism.
What are the colors of the rainbow? (wait for an answer)
That’s right! And they can each represent an important part of baptism.
(Write or stick each word up as you talk about them in color order.)
[Red] Repentance:
In the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints we believe that you reach the age of accountability at 8 years old. That’s how old you are! So hopefully you haven’t had too many opportunities to do wrong in the past few weeks since your birthday. However, with faith in Jesus Christ and his Atonement baptism does allow us to be clean again. And luckily, you can renew your baptismal covenants every week when you take the sacrament.
[Orange] Obedience:
Jesus Christ told John the Baptist that He needed to be baptized to “fulfill all righteousness”. He wasn’t being baptized because He needed to repent, but because He was being obedient to His Heavenly Father. Likewise, we can show our obedience by choosing to be baptized as Christ was.
[Yellow] Yoke:
A yoke is used for oxen so that they can pull a heavier load together than they could alone. It also makes sure that they are pulling at the same time and one is not pulling faster than the other. Likewise, when we are baptized a member of Christ’s church, we become yoked with Christ. He is there to help us carry our load through life. That’s pretty cool!

[Green] Gift of the Holy Ghost:
After you are baptized, you will be able to be confirmed as a member of the church and receive the gift of the Holy Ghost. Anyone can feel the influence of the Holy Ghost as a comforter and guide, but because you’ve been given the gift of the Holy Ghost you can have him in your life as a constant companion as long as you are choosing the right like you promised at baptism.
[Blue] Be willing to take upon you the name of Christ:
When you are baptized and confirmed you officially become a member of Christ’s church and take His name as your own. Part of taking His name is promising that you will be an example of Him. You will represent him and should strive to reflect Christlike attributes. Just like when you go out in public and people know you’re a Young, you want people to know that you’re a disciple of Christ.
[Indigo] Immersion:
In The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints we believe in being baptized as Jesus was–by immersion. That means you will be completely under the water for just a second. Baptism by immersion is the first saving ordinance of the gospel. It is necessary for an individual to become a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and to receive eternal salvation.
[Violet] Vow:
Today you will be making a vow to Heavenly Father, and He in turn is making a vow to you. This two-way promise is called a covenant. We promise Him that we will do certain things, and in return He promises to bless us. When you see rainbows from now on, I hope that you will remember your baptismal covenant and the things we’ve talked about today!
Would your child love this rainbow themed baptism?
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[…] came together so cute. Coming in at number four, it looks like several of you were interested in rainbow-themed baptism […]