I’m the mean mom. The mom who makes her children write in their journals and practice multiplication even when they don’t have “actual” homework. You know, the mom who cares about their penmanship and writing skills. Journal writing is such an easy way to help kids of all ages improve their writing! Someday when they’re older I know they’ll be able to write about whatever they want unaided. However, for now I like to give them prompts when it’s time for them to write in their journals. Honestly though, sometimes even I get a little stuck with ideas for them to write about. So today I’m sharing 100 journal prompts for kids. These journaling prompts are perfect for your homeschool or classroom!
journal prompts for kids
These creative writing or journal prompts are full of different ideas that can be adapted for different ages.
journal prompts for kids to use their imagination
- If you were a superhero what power would you want?
- Describe your dream house.
- What would you do if you found $100?
- If a monster lived in your closet, what would they be like?
- If you could start your own business, what would it be?
- What would you serve at your very own restaurant?
- If you could design your own amusement park what would it be like?
- What would your perfect day look like?
- If you wrote a book, what would it be about?
- Describe how your life will be in 10 years. How old will you be? Where will you be living?
- Write about whatever you’d like!
- Draw and write a comic book strip about your favorite memory.
- If you had three wishes, what would you wish for?
- What do you think heaven is like?
- Which imaginary creature is the best and why?
- Tell me about your day using only emojis that you draw.
- Who is the most misunderstood villain and why do you think so?
- What would it be like to live underwater?
- If you could be any storybook character, who would you be?
- If you could transport yourself to any time period, when would you choose?
journal prompts for kids to record memories
- What’s your favorite color and why?
- What is one of your favorite memories with mom or dad?
- What is one of the hardest things you’ve had to do in your life?
- Tell me something you’re grateful for.
- Which do you prefer–theme parks or water parks?
- What is the best thing about our home?
- Who is a famous person you admire and why?
- If you could have any pet what would it be?
- What is your favorite song and what makes it so good?
- Describe what you did this weekend.
- What is your favorite book to read?
- What do you want to be when you grow up?
- What has been your favorite family trip?
- Who is your best friend and why?
- Tell me your favorite thing about each of your siblings.

more journal prompts for kids to record memories
- What is your favorite movie and why?
- What’s the kindest thing someone has done for you lately?
- What is the most interesting dream you’ve ever had?
- What is a talent you would like to develop?
- Trace your hand and write 5 things about yourself on it.
- What is the best thing about sharing a room/having your own room?
- Write a poem that describes yourself.
- Tell me something that makes you unique.
- What do you think it means to have integrity and why is it important?
- Write about what makes you the happiest.
- Who do you think has the harder job, mom or dad? Why?
- Tell me about what you did last weekend.
- Which do you prefer–a card or a phone call?
- What is your favorite sport to play or watch?
- Do you consider yourself a early bird or a night owl?
- What is something new that you learned recently?
- What is your favorite scripture story?
- What is your favorite holiday and why?
- Draw a picture of your family.
| Read: A Year of Writing Prompts |
writing prompts for spring
- What do you think is a sign that spring is on its way?
- What is your favorite Easter tradition?
- Describe the process of a caterpillar turning into a butterfly.
- Tell me about the hardest Easter egg hunt you’ve done.
- Tell me what you would plant in your dream garden.
- What would it be like to have an Easter egg hunt… (on the moon, under the ocean, etc.)
- Why do you think we celebrate Easter?
- Describe a time you saw a lot of wildflowers in nature.
- Go on a walk and find a wildflower to press between your journal pages. Write about where you found it.
- What is the best activity that is associated with springtime?
- Write a haiku about springtime.
- Which is better, spring or summer? Why?
| Read: Sight Word Matching Game |
journal prompts for summertime
- What is your favorite summer activity?
- Where would you want to go for summer vacation if you could go anywhere?
- If you could spend all day at the beach or the lake where would you pick and why?
- How do you feel about summer ending?
- Did you know when it is summer here, it’s winter on the other side of the world? What do you think it would be like to celebrate Christmas in summer?
- What is your favorite summer memory ever?
- Tell me the recipe of your favorite ice cream flavor. (Yes, you can make one up!)
- Which is better–popsicles or ice cream? Tell me a compelling argument!
- What is the best thing to do on a hot day?
- Why are the days longer in the summertime?
- Do you think summer is too short or too long? Why?
journaling prompts for fall
- What is your favorite thing about fall?
- Favorite thing about school? How about your least favorite thing?
- What are you thankful for? Tell me three things.
- Draw a picture of your teacher at school (or a classmate). Tell me about them!
- What food makes you think most about fall? How do you make it? (You can guess!)
- What’s your favorite Thanksgiving tradition?
- Who (or what) do you want to be for Halloween?
- Describe the steps to carve a jack-o-lantern.
- What’s the recipe for the perfect s’more? How do you make it?
- What is one of the first signs of fall where you live?
- Go on a walk and find a fall leaf to press. Write about where you found it.
| Read: Our Favorite Homeschool Resources |
writing prompts for kids for winter
- Describe your perfect snow day.
- What do you think winter is like on the other side of the world?
- What would you do if your snowman came to life?
- What place would you love to visit in winter?
- What is your favorite thing to do in winter?
- Describe the steps for making hot chocolate.
- Which winter Olympic sport would you want to compete in and why?
- What do you think a hibernating bear dreams about?
- How would you want to celebrate the 100th day of school?
- Do you like winter or summer better?
- What is your favorite Christmas song?
- What is your favorite Christmas cookie and why?
| Read: Chapter Books For Young Readers |
Do your kids like to write? Do you encourage journal writing?
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