I love all the fun that comes with holidays. The seasonal food, the silly traditions, I think all those little things make holidays more fun and memorable. That’s part of why I started this blog–to inspire you to make every day more fun! But–maybe you’re like me and you also want to make sure holidays are meaningful. So I have a family tradition to share with you that started for us several years ago. Here’s how hiding an empty egg makes our Easter more meaningful. Some links contain affiliates.
why we started hiding an empty egg
Early in our parenthood journey my husband and I tried to make certain holidays more meaningful. It started with our Christmas celebrations. If you’ve been a long time reader of the blog than you already know that we don’t do the whole “Santa” thing. Oh, we might go take pictures we “the man dressed up like Santa”, and we love Santa movies and books, but all my kids know “the truth” about Santa. In fact, we even celebrate St. Nick’s Day so that we can teach our children about who Saint Nicholas really was. This naturally snowballed into Easter. Why would we focus on Easter bunnies and baskets when the real purpose of the Easter celebration is our resurrected Savior?
The empty tomb bore testimony of this greatest of all miracles. -Gordon B. Hinckley

gift the true meaning of Easter to someone else
When my sweet friend Adree heard about our tradition, she suggested I create a printable tag for the blog. Pairing a golden egg with this tag is perfect to give to your Sunday School class, or those that you fellowship. You can find a package of golden plastic eggs on Amazon here.
Would you hide an empty Easter egg for your kids to find?
| Read: Free Easter Advent Coloring Page for Kids |
Find more fun holiday ideas on my Pinterest boards!

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