Archive | clothing

"Frozen" sister shirts

“Frozen” sister shirts

We just got back about a week and a half ago from the happiest place on earth. 🙂 We’ve had annual passes this past year and our time with them is quickly coming to a close. Growing up in southern California I practically grew up at Disneyland and love, love, LOVE it! It has been […]

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ocean buddies sibling costumes

ocean buddies sibling costumes

Okay, truthfully, I cannot believe that this Friday is already Halloween.Also, this post could have been called, “How to get 3 costumes for your kids for less than $20”.Also, also, I was conned this year.I bought a costume from the store. Gasp!I have never bought a costume from the store for my kids.Not that I’m […]

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"roundup gang" t-shirts

“roundup gang” t-shirts

We just got back from the happiest place on earth, and for my kiddo’s first trip to Disneyland I really wanted to make them some kind of t-shirts to wear. I only had to decided what I wanted on them, which actually proved to be harder than one might think.The practical side of me didn’t […]

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sibling shirts

sibling shirts

Don’t you just love Skype? I know I do, since it allows you to share exciting news with far away family members in a fun way. We found out that our upcoming bundle of joy was going to be a girl a couple days before Christmas, and we knew that we would be Skyping  with […]

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