Archive | diy

Simple DIY projects from start to finish

A free printable for hiding empty Easter eggs.

how hiding an empty egg makes our Easter more meaningful

I love all the fun that comes with holidays. The seasonal food, the silly traditions, I think all those little things make holidays more fun and memorable. That’s part of why I started this blog–to inspire you to make every day more fun! But–maybe you’re like me and you also want to make sure holidays […]

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Put together a fun box of new items and candy to keep kids occupied during general conference!

general conference weekend kit

The spring session of general conference is only a month away. Our family loves this weekend and even our kids look forward to it! Over the years we’ve worked at making it a fun weekend to look forward to with special foods and activities. This helps the weekend be one they look forward to, but […]

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"Happy to say--you're my main squeeze!"

“main squeeze” valentine printables and ideas

I still remember picking out my class valentines in elementary school. It was so fun to go with my mom to the store and wander up and down the Valentine’s Day aisle trying to decide on the perfect theme for that year’s classroom valentines. There were also a few years that I can remember making […]

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Top blog posts of 2024.

top blog posts for 2024

I’ve been blogging a long time and I’ve learned a lot over these past 14 years. For example, what makes good SEO and what doesn’t. Admittedly, my annual “best of the blog” recaps are not the best avenue for getting pageviews or pins on Pinterest. However, I love looking back over what performed well and […]

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Friends decorating Christmas cookies.

cookie decorating party: a fun Christmas activity

Just before Christmas Break for the past few years I have hosted a cookie decorating party for my girls. They each invite a few of their friends and have a fun couple of hours frosting pre-baked cookies, pouring copious amounts of sprinkles onto their creations, and consuming way too much sugar. Hey, you’re only young […]

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