Archive | diy

Simple DIY projects from start to finish

Use gourds for decorating all season long!

happy Halloween: fall porch inspiration

Happy Halloween! What do you love most about this holiday? Do you lean more towards spooky décor or just keeping it festive for fall? I love decking out the house in all things fall–corn stalks, gourds, pumpkins, hay bales–you name it! Normally, the day before Halloween I go crazy with spider webbing. However, this year rain […]

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October 2014 general conference quotes

October 2014 general conference quotes

I (along with 15,082,028  members of my faith and anyone else who wanted to tune in on television, radio, or internet) had the great opportunity to listen to living prophets this past weekend for something called General Conference; you might remember that I mentioned it last week, and if you follow me on Instagram (thanks, […]

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Family photo in front of the San Diego temple.

10 general conference activities for kids

Well, if you are a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (a.k.a. Mormons), then you know this weekend is our Semiannual General Conference. I’m not going to lie, it kind of sneaked up on me this year. It was kind of like Christmas came early this weekend when I realized that […]

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DIY vintage soda crate

diy vintage soda pop crate

I love the old school soda crates, you know, the wooden ones with the retro logos? But holy torpedoes batman, they can be hard to find and when you do find them, ouch; they’re usually pretty pricey. The hubby and I decided to try and make our own and spend  $0. Overall, we’re pretty pleased […]

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