Archive | diy

Simple DIY projects from start to finish

We Love You Mounds and Mounds

“love you mounds and mounds”

Here cute are these Mounds bars Father’s Day goodies I sent off last year. There are so many different candies you could do to incorporate a cute saying into your Father’s Day greeting (“You make life feel like a 100 Grand”; “Blowing some Kisses your way”; “I love having you as my Sugar Daddy”… you get […]

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Memorial Day pictures. Flags.

Primary Singing Time: the star-spangled banner

Happy Memorial Day everyone! It always seems odd to wish people a “happy” Memorial Day. But I suppose when you think about it, what better way to remember those who have paid the ultimate sacrifice than wishing others well? I love our country and I love our National Anthem. It makes me so sad to […]

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Make your own stick ponies for a cowboy and cowgirl birthday party.

a cowboy and cowgirl birthday party: another birthday bash week

Welcome to the third installment of birthday bash week. With my two oldest kiddos having birthdays one day apart, this is the week each year on the blog where I focus on birthday fun! To start off this year’s festivities,  I’m going to share some details from their birthday party. This year my son turns three […]

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Yee-Haw cowboy and cowgirl birthday party invites.

western party invites: cowboy and cowgirl party inspiration

Howdy y’all! We’re gearing up over here for my kiddo’s combined cowboy and cowgirl birthday party in just a couple weeks. I am so excited for this party theme and have been doing a lot of it in DIY style. I finished up their invitations and I love the way they turned out! Even though it’s not a printable I’m […]

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A tray of colorful Easter eggs.

kool aid Easter eggs

Easter is just a couple of weeks away, can you believe it? so I wanted to share the way we dyed our eggs last year. This is also the way we plan to dye them this year. After doing some online research I decided to give the Kool Aid Easter eggs a try. how did […]

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