Archive | birthday

guest post: ice cream birthday party

guest post: ice cream birthday party

Did you notice  I wasn’t around on Wednesday? I know, I know, I missed you guys too. Y’all, it has just been one of those weeks (several weeks is more like it).Also, I love that I only lived in Texas for 2 years but y’all has stuck to me like glue.And I wouldn’t have it […]

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bbw: Tangled tower cake

bbw: Tangled tower cake

This is one of those times when I’m going to be keeping it real on the blog. This cake did not turn out exactly as planned, but I learned a lot as I was going along and next time I make a tower cake I think the outcome will be much better. 🙂 So for […]

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birthday bash week begins

birthday bash week begins

Well, my two older kids’ birthdays have come and gone so next week is the Fourth Annual Birthday Bash Week, the week a year where I focus on my awesome little kidlets’ birthdays!You can take a look at other Birthday Bash Weeks here: 1st Birthday Bash Week 2nd Birthday Bash Week 3rd Birthday Bash Week

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BBW: let them eat cake

BBW: let them eat cake

This post is just barely getting up in time, it’s been such a busy (but fun!) day! The hubby, kids, and I are exhausted!Also, I never thought I’d say this but I think I’m a little sick of cake.I can’t believe those words just came out of my mouth; or rather, out of my keyboard.But I mean, […]

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Lime & macadamia pinata cake

surprise pinata cake

Have you seen these awesome Pinata cakes on Pinterest?  From Claire K Creations From A Subtle Revelry And the of course there’s this amazing one that I would never attempt myself, but I would love it if someone else would for me. 🙂 From Bubble and Sweet So, the hubby had his birthday earlier […]

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