Archive | home decor

frame wreath change-up

frame wreath change-up

I haven’t posted much about my frame since I made it over a year ago.  I mean, not that it’s that exciting, but it is something that I’ve been changing up fairly regularly (every couple months or so), but I haven’t really shared any pictures since this glimpse that you got in the post about […]

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DIY branch votive holder

DIY branch votive holder

It is driving me crazy that I can’t get a good picture of this project. It really is so cute in person and I sad the pictures don’t do it justice. But, regardless of picture quality, I had to share this completely free and easy, two-step DIY branch votive holder. It is just perfect to […]

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$12 chalkboard

$12 chalkboard

Months ago when I posted about our hall bathroom makeover, I mentioned in my still-to-do-list that I wanted to add some more wall art. I’d been thinking for awhile about what I wanted to hang next to the window picture frame in there; I knew I wanted to do some kind of quote, but couldn’t decide […]

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wedding shadowbox

wedding shadowbox

Six and one half years after getting married I’ve finally done something with my wedding bouquet. This is a project I’ve been meaning to do for awhile now and I finally realized, what am I waiting for?  I had everything that I needed to pull this wedding shadowbox together so I quickly got it done […]

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2013 Time Capsule Update

2013 Time Capsule Update

Did y’all have an awesome 4th of July? I was able to spend a lot of time with family and friends, eating good food and then having pretty good seats for our community’s firework show; it was a great Independence Day. I am so very thankful to all our service men and women and their […]

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