Archive | quick craft

painted heart pallet

painted heart pallet

Do you ever get a whim to craft something? At around 8:00 at night? Sometimes I get the kids in bed and all I want to do is sleep. Sometimes I get the kids in bed and I just want to #craftallthethings. This can pose some problems. First of all, for a blogger it’s hard […]

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snow scene in a jar

snow scene in a jar

Growing up I was obsessed with Christmas villages. I would always stare at them in shops and dream about having my own. Eventually, my parents started purchasing me a few pieces at a time and I amassed quite a collection over the years. I lovingly set it up the first few years of our marriage, […]

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diy mercury glass acorns

diy mercury glass acorns

Fall is here and with it comes lots of fun decorating. My Facebook and Instagram feeds are filling up with all things Autumn and it’s easy to feel some serious decor envy. Unfortunately, I promised myself awhile ago that I wasn’t going to but any new home or holiday decor and make do with what […]

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rice hand warmers

rice hand warmers

My little sister started school this week at BYU Idaho and I am so proud of her! I know she’s going to have a great time and make tons of friends, but, being from southern California, I know she is going to have a hard time adjusting temperature-wise. I decided to make her some hand […]

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