Archive | sponsored

Busy mom and blogger, Justine Young of Little Dove Blog, talks about when date night isn't what you think. Sponsored by PinkBlush.

what to do when date night is hard

Earlier this month when I introduced another installment of my Revive Date Night series I talked about how to realistically have date night. Even if things like time or budget or–ahem–little ones, get in the way. So I started this month strong, so excited to have a month full of fun and exciting date nights […]

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Making the best breakfast burger with JENNIE-O Turkey.

the best breakfast burger recipe

Summer grilling season is in full swing around here. I don’t know about you, but I’m not mad about it. We love long summer days that end in a delicious burger being enjoyed outside between sprinkler runs. Honestly though, I could have a burger in just about any setting, at any time of day. Keep […]

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Busy wife, mom, and lifestyle blogger, Justine with Little Dove bog, shares 3 Father's Day gifts that will stand out.

3 Father’s Day gifts that will stand out

Father’s Day is quite literally right around the corner. With less than two weeks left to find the perfect gift that dad will love the pressure is on. And as great as a new tie is, how many neckties does one man need? Then again, if you asked my own father he would probably tell […]

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You don't have to have "professional" equipment to take a great photo. Justine Young, mom and lifestyle blogger at Little Dove, shares some tips for getting the perfect shot every time.

getting the perfect shot every time

As a busy mom with five kids under the age of eight I know how important photography is. Being able to capture a memory as quickly as possible is hard when you’re chasing after little ones. Add that I’m a blogger and it’s essential that I’m able to take decent pictures wherever I am with […]

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5 thoughtful ways that you can preserve your most preciosu memories and photographs with

5 thoughtful ways to preserve your memories

Somehow it’s already May and Mother’s Day is right around the corner. With Mother’s Day comes the eternal question–what do you get for the woman you gave you life?? I’m always a fan of thoughtful and sentimental gifts and for today’s post I’m sharing five thoughtful ways to preserve your memories. These ideas make for […]

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