I grew up in southern California just a couple miles from the beach and we also had a pool nearly my entire childhood. So spending long afternoons running along the shore or swimming in the water was pretty normal for three quarters of the year. My family might live pretty far away from the ocean now, but I […]
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make your own drive-in at home
Now that school has been out for awhile and it’s officially summer, I’ve been trying to cross things off our summer bucket list. One of those items was to watch an outdoor movie. There are several places nearby that offer them in the summer—and we have attended them in years past—but I really wanted to see if we […]
finding time for family dinner
Lately on the blog I’ve been talking a lot about how we spend our time. Finding time to sit down and have meals together is so important to our family. Keeping four young kids engaged long enough to be able to enjoy a family meal together is tricky! Well, the 10 month old is pretty […]
printable chore chart with incentives for kids
I love when kids are young and they are at the age where they actually still want to help. There’s a sweet spot where you’ve got to instill in them good work ethic to set them up for success later in life. I currently have four kids under the age of six and I’m too busy […]
road trip memories + diy tote bag
It’s hard to pick a favorite from all my road trip memories from growing up. I remember my dad carrying me out to our packed minivan in the early morning before it was even light out. I remember being half asleep snuggled up in “my seat” as the sun slowly crept up over the horizon. […]