Archive | travel

Hiking through Congaree National Park with your family.

exploring Congaree National Park with kids

When we visited South Carolina in December I knew we would be within an hour of Congaree National Park. Being that close to a brand-new-to-us National Park was too hard to resist! So when my mom asked if we wanted to make the drive up and visit it of course I was thrilled! One more […]

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Excitement at the airport.

tips for flying with kids from a mom of 6

I have a confession to make–we hadn’t flown with all our kids before this past Christmas. Despite the fact that we are a traveling family flying is just so difficult and expensive compared to driving. Depending on how closely you follow our #YoungFamilyJaunts hashtag it may or may not surprise you that we prefer a […]

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Drive through Mount Rainier National Park with kids.

family travel bucket list for the western US

As the year comes to a close I’ve been looking back at all the travel our family enjoyed. We’ve been very blessed to be able to get away to some fun places and I’ve worked hard trying to get some sponsored trips. With our trips done for the year I thought it would be fun […]

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