Archive | yard

baby grass and a yard update

baby grass and a yard update

I figured it was about time to give you a little update on our yard. We laid sod in the front part of the yard earlier this year, and if you’ve never laid sod then you just can’t fully realize what a difference some sod and a couple hours can make. It really made our […]

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reclaimed flower box

reclaimed flower box

We have been doing so much work on our yard lately (which if you’ve been reading my blog or following me on Instagram, you well know) and it is looking SO good. Like, so much improved that I have lost count of how many neighbors have walked up and complemented us on everything we’ve done. […]

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$0 deck makeover & a simple pallet shelf

$0 deck makeover & a simple pallet shelf

Our back deck has gone majorly unused since we bought our house two years ago. I mean sure, there’s a grill we use, and the table and chairs might give the illusion that we actually sit out there and use it, but we don’t. We take the food out to be grilled, then bring it […]

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yard reveal: phase 1

yard reveal: phase 1

I had a different post planned for today, but, let’s not lie, our yard improvement is pretty much the most awesome thing I could be sharing with you right now! 🙂 If you follow me on Instagram (thanks by the way!) then you know that early Saturday morning we got our sod delivered! Oh, happy […]

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the big move

the big move

This is a post I have been waiting a looonnnnng time to write. We welcomed a very exciting friend over to our house today. And by a friend I mean a man with his big truck and even bigger trailer to move our large shed. My children were very excited about this. Well, Thing 1 […]

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